Best Presentation Award

To encourage young scientists to present excellent studies at SCSAM 2023 the Best Presentation Award is given in recognition of the best oral presentations presented at Early Career Forum. Best oral presentations will be selected by the review committee from the Early Career Forum. A First Prize winner will receive a prize of 2,000 MYR prize, two Second Prize winners will each receive a prize of 1,200 MYR and three Third Prize winners will each receive a prize of 600 MYR. Results will be announced during the Closing Ceremony on 5 November 2023.

First Prize Winner
WU Baolan 
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Second Prize Winners
The University of Hong Kong
LU Huaihao
The South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Third Prize Winners
SHI Weian
Xiamen University
KWAN Huifern
Xiamen University Malaysia
Xiamen University
  Xiamen University
Please note that although the SCSAM 2023 initially intended to have three third prize winners, the Judging Panel opted to grant an additional award to a fourth speaker due to his(her) closely matched scores with the other three speakers. The four third prize winners will share a total prize of 1800 MYR.

Financial Support

SCSAM 2023 aims to encourage high-quality abstracts and foster greater diversity at the meeting by offering registration fee waivers to eligible individuals who require financial support. To apply, please indicate your interest in financial support by selecting "Yes" ; under "Apply for Financial Support" section and provide required materials after you submit an abstract online.