
July Update
We are excited to update you that the Session / Event Proposal has closed on June 30th, 2024 with diversified proposals:

  • 72 sessions proposals
  • 5 workshops
  • 2 townhalls

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is working closely with Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) as well as 200+ conveners and co-conveners to review all the proposals. The proposals will be finalized by July 20th, 2024 followed by the abstraction submission. We encourage you to register before November 15th, 2024 to enjoy the Early Bird Price.

For Conveners

  • LOC has advised some sessions to adjust, and the notification were sent to the relevant conveners. Please check the email from in inbox or spam folder.
  • Conveners of the adjusted sessions should submit the revised proposals to by July 16th 23:59 (China Standard Time, GMT+8). Note: If there is no response by July 16th, the adjusted sessions will be withdrawn.
  • Session acceptance notifications will be sent and online registration will be open by July 20th.
  • Help us to promote XMAS via your network by sharing the website and the latest announcement.

For Everyone

  • Submit your abstract to most relevant session from July 20th to September 20th.
  • Check out different satellite activities including programs, workshops, townhalls, etc.
  • Help us to promote XMAS via your network by sharing the website and the latest announcement.
  • Mark your calendar with all XMAS Important Dates (right-hand side of the page) to participate in person.
  • Interested in how the event will be organized? Investigate the organization to find out the organizers, co-sponsors and Scientific Advisory Committee as well as Local Organization Committee.

Stay up-to-date
Keep up to date by visiting Symposium website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at