PHY-04 Cross-scale interactions: mesoscale and smaller
Turbulence regimes in the surface boundary layer globally
Jihai Dong* , Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Baylor Fox-Kemper, Brown University
Jacob O. Wenegrat, University of Maryland
Abigail S. Bodner, New York University
Hong Zhang, California Institute of Technology
Changming Dong, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

The turbulent mixing in the OSBL is a key process that controls the exchange between the atmosphere, the OSBL and the ocean interior. Based on the outputs from a submesoscale-permitting global model with a nominal resolution of 1/48o, the turbulence regimes associated with four kinds of turbulence, the Langmuir shear production (LSP), geostrophic shear production (GSP), vertical buoyancy production and ageostrophic shear production in the OSBL are investigated and the role of the GSP turbulence is highlighted. The results indicate that the GSP turbulence makes a significant contribution to the OSBL turbulence despite its spatio-temporal intermittency. The turbulence regimes have remarkable seasonality. The GSP turbulence is the most prevalent dominant regime over the globe in winter, while it is the LSP turbulence in summer.