INT-11 UN Decade of Ocean Science
Ocean Decade Action Project: Stem the tide of Asia’s riverine plastic emission into the ocean
Daoji Li* , State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
Wenxi Zhu, IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)

Asia regions were recognized as hotspots of marine plastic debris due to the high population density, waste management waste process ability, etc.. The control of marine plastic waste in Asia region is the key part in global plastic waste management. To assist countries in developing science-based management measures and taking effective actions on riverine plastic waste, this Action develop a better understanding of the sources, pathways, fluxes, leakage and accumulation hotspots of river plastic and microplastics via co-designed field samplings, site visits, analysis, and modeling; catalyze management, infrastructure, technological and behavioral solutions to reduce riverine plastic waste, via the conduct of joint research, capturing and sharing of lessons learned and best practices, technology innovation, and engagement of local authorities, NGOs, business and private sectors, and other stakeholders if relevant; and develop research capacity of young scentists and students in developing countries for marine plastic and microplastic research and monitoring.