INT-01 Surface Ocean and Lower Atmosphere Study: Air-Sea interaction and its climatic and environmental impacts

Observation of nitrous oxide in the surface polar ocean using an automatic underway system
Monday 9th @ 1350-1410, Conference Room 1
Liyang Zhan* , third institute of Oceanography
Presenter Email:

N2O is one of the more important greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substance with the largest emission rate.  The ocean is among the more important N2O sources to the atmosphere and accounts ~21% of the global N2O. However, the roles that Polar Oceans play are not well known due to paucity of N2O data at  these regions. An autmoatic underway system for N2O measurement was developed and applied onboard research vessel during the past several years in both Chinese Arctic, Antarctic and MOSAiC Expedition. In these studies, the underway system provided high resolution and precision data that reveal the fine structure of N2O distribution along the cruise tracks in the polar oceans, together with other underway parmeters, indicating regulation factors on the N2O distribution. The high resolution characteristics of data set obtained using this system also contributes to better evaluation of  air sea N2O flux of polar ocean and other oceans as well.