PHY-04 Cross-scale interactions in (sub)mesoscale motions, internal waves, surface waves and boundary layer turbulence
Cross-Kuroshio modulation of mesoscale eddies on the upwelling near the shelfbreak of East China Sea
Tuesday 10th @ 1610-1730 , Conference Room 7
Wednesday 11th @ 1610-1750 Exhibition Hall
Xiaohui Liu* , State Key Laboratory of Satellite Oceanic Environment Dynamics; Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China
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Upwelling near the shelfbreak northeast of Taiwan is a prominent feature of the interactions between the Kuroshio and the China Seas. The variations of the upwelling are modulated by mesoscale eddies east of Taiwan. By using the Satellite altimeter and sea surface temperature observational data, we composite the eddies approaching the Kuroshio east of Taiwan and the synchronous variations northeast of Taiwan. Our results suggest that the mesoscale eddies east of Taiwan drive opposed-phase signals onshore of the Kuroshio northeast of Taiwan. Therefore, surface cooling northeast of Taiwan is accompanied by the approach of anticyclonic eddies east of Taiwan in the summer season. By applying a three-dimensional vorticity analysis near the shelfbreak region with a high-resolution ocean model, the dynamic processes of the upwelling were studied. The upwelling near the shelfbreak is mainly induced by the vertex stretching, which is balanced by the nonlinear term in the 3D vorticity equation caused by the strengthing of the Kuroshio transport.