PHY-01 The Arctic Ocean: Physics, climate & ecosystem
Characteristics and transformation of watermass in the Chukchi Sea in winter
Min Li* , Guangdong Ocean University
Robert S. Pickart, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Peigen Lin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Using in-situ observational data on the Chukchi shelf and at Bering Strait in winter 2020, the hydrography and water masses are analyzed. The vertically structures of the temperature and salinity were fairly uniform at most of the stations, implying the strong vertical convection during observation. The timeseries of watermasses showed that there were two regions in which the newly-ventilated winter water near freezing point were dominant, the north-central region with relatively salty water, and the strait region with low salinity values shown up. Local and broad ice concentrations, and wind conditions are analyzed to investigate the mechanism of the different salinity in the two winter water regions.