For the accommodation options, you could refer to below:

1. SAMA-SAMA HOTEL (萨马萨玛克利亚酒店)

Distance to Conference Venue: 23km/26min (By Light Traffic)
Contact Information: 60-3-87873333;
Booking Link:
Promo Code: XUC

2. Holiday Inn Sepang (雪邦假日酒店)

Address: KIP Sentral, Kota Warisan, 43900, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia (马来西亚雪兰莪州雪邦KIP Sentral, Kota Warisan)
Distance to Conference Venue: 2.8km/6min (By Car)
Contact Information: +6 018 281 7988; 
Booking Link:

Cut Off Date: 25th October 2023

You can also find more accommodation options through the following booking websites:

Shuttle service will also be provided for those choose to stay in both Sama-Sama Hotel and Holiday Inn Sepang:

  • From Sama-Sama Hotel, through Holiday Inn Sepang to XMUM (before the event start)
  • From XMUM, through Holiday Inn Sepang to Sama-Sama Hotel (After the event ends)

3. Another cost-effective option to consider is the XMUM hostel.

XMUM Hostel Booking:

Cut Off Date: 23rd October 2023

The rate for staying on campus is RM120 per day, which includes utilities. Attached below are some pictures of the hostel as well as list of items provided in the hostel room.

Pictures of hostel: